Turn Back Time With Epitalon in Santa Barbara, CA:

Epitalon is a powerful, safe, and effective tetrapeptide that helps your body produce telomerase that protects a body’s cells. This therapy can reverse aging by stimulating your body’s regenerative potential. 


Epitalon has been called the “fountain of youth” peptide because of its rejuvenating effects. Our patients have also benefited from better sleep and reduced stress with regular Epitalon treatment. It is one of several peptides we offer that might be right for you.

Epitalon (also known as Epithalon or Epithalone) is the synthetic version of the polypeptide Epithalamin which is naturally produced in the pineal gland.


Epitalon is often regarded as the “fountain of youth” peptide..

Epitalon’s primary role is to increase the natural production of telomerase, a natural enzyme that helps cells reproduce telomeres, which are the protective parts of our DNA. This allows the replication of our DNA so the body can grow new cells and rejuvenate old ones. Younger people produce a relatively large amount of telomerase and longer telomeres. The longer the telomere strands are, the better cell health and replication they provide. However, as people age, the production of telomerase falls and consequently cell replication and health decline. This is the main reason that people age.It also plays a role in regulating metabolism, increasing the sensitivity of hypothalamus to its natural hormonal influences, normalizing the function of the anterior pituitary and regulating the levels of gonadotropins and melatonin in the body.


Benefits of Epitalon Include:

As a result of Epitalon’s effect on telomerase production, the benefits are unique and far-reaching and include:

  • May increase human lifespan by lengthening telomeres in human cells

  • Prevent the effects of Free radicals

  • Promotes Deeper Sleep

  • Delay and prevention of age-related diseases such as cancer, heart disease, and dementia

  • Can act as an antioxidant by reducing lipid oxidation and ROS (Reactive oxygen species) along with normalizing T cell function.

  • Improvement of skin health and appearance

  • Healing of injured and deteriorating muscle cells

  • Has been shown to Restore and normalize melatonin levels in older people who have lost some pineal function due to aging

  • May increases resistance to emotional stress




AT Eternity Health Partners, our team will talk to you about your goals and then designs  proper nutrition plan that could reduce inflammation, give you more energy, better sleep and live a happier healthier life.  

Call us today to discuss your goals and proper nutrition plan specifically for you.